Author Interview with Cassie Greutman

Greetings. Welcome back to the Dungeon Crawler’s blog. Today we are sitting down with Cassie Greutman. Cassie is one of our authors in the DRACOS: Fantasy Dragon Tales box set. She is very talented and today we get to pick her head a little bit. Now lets stop talking and let the woman get started. After all, time is always best spent writing or in our case reading.

Please take this time to introduce yourself.
Hi! My name is Cassie. I’ve been writing ever since I read through every book I was interested in at the library at the age of thirteen. And then I read through them again!
Tell us about your geographic area that you live in. You don’t have to be specific.
I’m from Ohio. Not a lot to say about my area, but it’s home, and I love it!
What type of author are you? Do you write like a planner or pantser?
I’m a mix. I definitely have an end in mind as I’m writing, and usually a general goal of how to get there. But everything in between is made up as I go.
What genres do you write about? What genre is your story in the Anthology: Dracos?
I tend to be all over the place in what I write, but I try to keep my published works in vaguely the same categories. I have three books out in an urban fantasy series, and one in a portal series. My Draco’s story is pure epic fantasy, which is my first love.
Do you have a special hobby you do outside of being an author? What is it?
I’m extremely into horses. I love everything about them. I like to rescue when I have the time and funds.
Tell us about your book featured in the Anthology: Dracos.
I wanted to tell a story about someone who made a mistake, and was trying to correct it. And so, my story was born!
Who are your main characters? What is their purpose in the story?
Aris is the main character in this story. She’s half dragonborn, half human. She has spent her life hunting down feral dragons, but has to learn to see the creatures differently as the story goes along.
What is your favorite scene in your book?
I don’t know how to say without a spoiler!
What do you have in store for this book? Do you plan to create a series around it?
As I wrote the story, I became more and more attached to the characters, so it’s safe to say I’ll be working in this world again.
What do you plan to release next? (Provide Link if available)
The fourth book in my Penchant for Trouble series will be coming out spring of 2022. The series is about a fae girl raised in the human foster care system, who has to learn to trust her new family while dealing with the Faerie Council and controlling her supernatural abilities.

Cassie Greutman

Cassie Greutman is a small town Ohio girl who has always loved stories in any form. You can usually find her typing away at her computer or playing out in the barn with her ponies.

Follow Cassie at the Following Links:


Twitter: @writeranrider89

FB Author Page:

Thank you for taking the time to read Cassie’s interview with us. Please show your support for Cassie and the other 10 authors in the box set by purchasing a copy of DRACOS: Fantasy Dragon Tales for 99¢ at your favorite online retailer.

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